
This is the blog site for the British Society of Gerontology, where members are able to share ideas, promote discussion and publicise research.

Membership of the BSG brings you into a community of academics and practitioners interested in a wide range of issues related to ageing.  For more information and details of how to join, please visit the British Society of Gerontology website.

3 thoughts on “About”

  1. Paul Cann said:

    How can I submit a blog please (BSG member) ? Thanks


  2. Thanks Paul, we would be delighted to receive a blog from you. Please contact info@britishgerontology.org to be set up as an author.


  3. I’ve just joined the BSG, thank you for making the process straightforward! I am a life coach for adults with ADHD with a particular interest in how it is experienced by the older generation. I’m interested in the crossover with Geriatrics and just wondering if I might find more answers if I address that field of knowledge rather than Gerontology. All advice gratefully received! Thank you.


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