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Rather uniquely, Gerontologists are specialists in a particular field i.e. ageing but who oft originate from a range of other disciplines e.g. psychology, human geography, sociology and ethics. This said, there is increasing specialist provision specifically in gerontology with masters and doctoral level programmes such as those offered through the Centre for Innovative Ageing at Swansea University. Their level of expertise, however, is not in question; but what do they do?!? With an increasing ageing population, it is important to understand the wants as well as the needs of this demographic. Often the assumption is made that this is in relation to care but this myth is becoming dispelled with an understanding that older people are an increasingly discerning consumer cohort. To this end, gerontologists as specialists in ageing and older adults are being harnessed in a multitude of fields from leisure and tourism to finance and architecture. With older people at the centre of their research and understanding, gerontologists are breaking ground and transcending sectors to represent this emerging group and business is starting to sit up and pay attention. With current demographic predictions suggesting that by 2030, 50% of the UK population will be 50yrs or over, this is certainly not a group to be ignored politically, economically or commercially. So why is it with this inevitable demographic shift there is so little understanding about gerontology and some may say even a reluctance to learn? Is it the fault of Gerontologists who largely lock themselves away in Universities and research institutes? Is it populist media who peddle the stereotypes of ageing, perpetuating accepted negative images? Is it our own unwillingness to accept ourselves as ageing beings? I have a feeling it is a mix of all of the above muddled with a few other factors to boot. The questions then can be posed, what is to be done about this? And, does anything need to be done? I would argue that something does need to be done so that we as a society can meet the changing needs of an ageing population and so that we don’t get caught on the back foot with systems and infrastructures that can’t cope. Regarding who should lead the charge on this change, ideally it would be a societal shift lead by each and every one of us, however, I am a realist. Initially the change will have to be lead by Gerontologists, raising the profile of the discipline and the impact of the great work that is being done. Stepping out of the ethereal shadows of academia and into the scrutinising bright lights of the media. Assumptions need to be challenged and the issues need to be raised. Increasing the impact of our research should not be driven by assessment frameworks but instead by the desire to improve the lives of older adults, the raison d’être of our profession. The journey will not be easy nor will it happen overnight but it is one worth embarking on. Gerontologists will play ever increasing roles in tomorrow’s society, the challenge is getting tomorrow’s society to see this today.