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I do not often get very angry about issues, upset, concerned and occasionally a bit angry, but not very angry, until today.  I received an email from my parish council, drawing my attention to an online survey by my local county council, seeking consultation on my investment and savings priorities, and I quote:

“This survey gives you the chance to have your say about possible options on saving and investing….With a more complete understanding of your priorities, we will be in a better position to do what is best for all Surrey people.”

Clearly this survey will not discover what is best for all Surrey people as it will not capture those older, disabled and vulnerable people who do not have access to the internet, for whatever reasons.   The introductory text offers an email address for those who need help completing the survey, but those who most need help completing the survey will not even know of its existence.  I am particularly incredulous that Surrey County Council have not learnt from their previous mistake when they removed from local libraries anyone trained to support vulnerable people, resulting in them being taken to court.  I am a frequent user of my local library and there hasn’t been one occasion where I have not had to help an older person use the self service machines.

Needless to say, I will be emailing AND writing to the local council to express my concerns.  Watch this space….